أرشيف المدونة الإلكترونية

الأربعاء، 1 يناير 2014

Compared religions - مقارنة أديان

Evangelical Theological College of the Middle East    Churches Apostolic b : c . M . P           Assiut Branch Compared religions Qualifying Program envelope student World Religions Platform No. CA4093     Used with the following materials : Religions of the world : study guide by John Q . Nanekal . Religions of the world live by Robert j . Hume . Bible Contents Directive Evaluation units Answer sheets to assess the development of units Forms : the student comments after Module 1 Student comments after evaluating Module 2 Table methods of auditing scheme and registered student (printed from two destinations ) Asked the student to take the final exam . Table material that delivers to the International Correspondence Institute teacher . After taking the assessment of the development of the unit 1 and answer sheets . And the suspension of a student after an evaluation unit 1 After taking the assessment of the development of unit 2 and answer sheets . And the suspension of a student after an evaluation unit 2 After taking the assessment of the development of unit 3 and answer sheets . After taking the assessment of the development of unit 4 and the answer sheets . Asked the student to take the final exam . Religions of the world CA4093 guidance International Correspondence Institute Evaluation of the development of units 1 . See the lesson in each unit before you take assess the development of the unit. Attributed to the form table methods in the study of this envelope. 2 . Follow the instructions in the answer sheets and answer questions on the evaluation of the development of the unit without reference to the original book . Leader . Bible . Or memos . 3 . See your answers carefully so as to avoid any inadvertent mistakes . 4 . See the table on the cover of this review the envelope and handed to the teacher of all things recorded for each development unit . If you send these things by mail . Verzlea to the Office of International Correspondence Institute indicated on the envelope or in the warning page in the school counselor , if not the title of the Office of the Institute of Correspondence exists in your area or send it to the main office at the Institute of Correspondence address is located on the envelope . 5 . Sign up form student planner and registered delivery date or send the answer sheets to the Institute of Correspondence for each teacher evaluation unit or any models are required. 6 . Progress to study the next unit without waiting for the report of the teacher . 7 . When you receive the report of the teacher in the class record form and registered student and see the questions that I answered an incorrect answer . 8 . When he received the answer sheets for the last unit to seek him also a student at the request until the final exam determines your appointment when you do this you will be able to perform the final exam without delay and as soon as the end of this study curriculum . Final examination 1 . Will take the final exam in the Examiner photographer of the International Correspondence Institute . Mtnk is usually your teacher at the Institute for International Study . 2 . Your review to prepare for the final exam as in the evaluation of the development of the unit. The article gives the exam tutorials and self-tests and evaluation of the development of the units and refer to the article about the methods of the study. 3 . Your teacher will submit the final exam questions and answer sheets to the main office at the Institute for International Correspondence .     The following forms are used to help you improve your studies and methods used to organize study time . Table methods study Scheme and registered student . Religions of the world CA4093 assess the development of the unit (1)                                           (Unit 1 Lessons 1-4) International Correspondence Institute After the instructions on the top of my answer sheet . Silhouetted circle assess the development of the unit (1) in this way : - Evaluation of the development of unit 12 345 final exam . - By shading your answer very well read the instructions for shading the answer sheets . Down these instructions silhouetted other departments as directed in the margins, and then turned to the back side of the answer sheet where you mark your answer. - Read and follow all model any specific instructions . - The value of each model is numbered 1.20 . The total value of each is 100 points . Part I - choice questions compound # Silhouetted circle answer the letter corresponding to the best answer . 1 - in the history of the world were the tribes without religion A - non-existent as far as we know . B - fewer in number than that have a religion . C - the number equal to that of her religion . D - often non-existent . 2 - A - B - C - D - 3 - A - B - C - D - 4 - A - B - C - D - 5 - A - human thinking . Feeling and will. B - music. Sculpture and Architecture . C - similarities and differences between people's beliefs . D - all of a, c above. 6 - the risk inherent in reconciling : A - Defense rationale for sin . B - the tendency to subtle distinctions between religions. C - treatment repeated for each judge as equal in legitimacy. D - covenants to link elements of all non- allied Judge . 7 - according to Hume . A non-scientific divisions of religions is the test profile. I remember another division . A - normal and Abu Kryvyi . B - always unspoken . C - real and natural . D - real and Abu Kryvyi . 8 - Which of the following expressions does not hinder the correct understanding of religion ? A - get rid of all discrimination between religions. B - accept inaccurate generalizations about the religions. C - is the emotional appreciation of religions . D - accept spiritual value where it exists . 9 - Any of the following true ? A - Followers of Islam has more than any other religion . B - Islam the fastest growing religion . C - Followers of Islam to him more than any religion other than Christianity . D - Islam enters in the Department of polytheism . 10 - A - Buddhism and Judaism. B - Judaism and Christianity. C - Alzerdshah and Christianity. D - 11 - about the separation of state and religion Islam offers A - less than Christianity offers : B - much less progress than Christianity . C - a little more progress than Christianity. D - the same amount offered by Christianity . 12 - A - B - C - D - 13 - A - his love of Christianity. B - the practice of prayer. C - his hatred of polytheism . D - love for His own person . 14 - Which one of the following half good work ethic Mohammed was a man : A - his personal conviction about God omnipotent . B - forget the violence toward non-Muslims . C - a social reformer . D - possible be described by all of the above. 15 - Hume says that some scientists opponents point out that Mohammed A - did not reflect the status of women . B - Hassan specific manner the status of women . C - barely improved the status of women . D - demean women . 16 - Which one of the following expressions in connection with the death of Mohammed honest ? A - it is above normal , said generator . B - the birthday of the permit was above normal in his life . C - there were no theory of natural birth over him in the Quran . D - above the natural -born told him after his death . 17 - Which one of the following sequels incorrect professes Sunni and Cieion today they revere Mohammed . A - birth to mature . B - the existence of the former presence . C - that person Muhammad and his grave dark Tbjeelhma . D - because of the magnitude of intercessory . 18 - A - B - C - D - 19 - Which one of the following sequels are not entirely consistent with the Islamic concept of God ? A - God Mthann . B - Mthann and merciful God . C - straight . D - 20 - A - B - C - D - 21 - A - B - Remember Saturday. C - fast. D - daily prayer . 22 - word that refers to the Islamic holy war are: A - Jihad . B - Ramadan . C - Alzkah . D - Zabur . 23 - the incident that marked the beginning of a permanent political division of Islam into the funeral are: A - Muhammad's death . B - Review of the Koran. C - the defeat of Syria and Persia. D - the killing of Ali . 24 - Which one of the following terms describe very well what to expect Preacher Baha'i away from him if he preached in the courtyard of the College of the West in our time. A - defaming the church . B - defamation divinity of Christ ( undeniable ) . C - defamation Erychenh ( Hindu worship ) D - all of the above . E - a, b ​​only . 25 - Islamic worship the Kaaba not agree on unification because it in fact a form of : A - paganism . B - pantheism . C - the multiplicity of gods. D - atheism . 26 - Alzerdshah study is important because it A - a large number of followers . B - Fast growth in recent Sunni . C - close contact in the Bible . D - the status of her old oldest religions of the world . 27 - Aldhirdshah offers itself as: A - Ktouhad all religions . B - Xamih all religions. C - Dean added to all religions . D - forerunner of all religions . 28 - A - B - C - D - 29 - A - peak human . B - the birth of his maidenly . C - does not compare to the human race . D - head sex with feet. 30 - Which one of the following describes the content of Alofsn Aldhirdshah ? A - the work of a church ( Mass. ) . B - they set dictionaries priestly ritual . C - pleading for the Demons . D - b , c . E - a, b ​​. 31 - Aldhirdshah learn that the one God who is worshiped in a manner superior : A - Angra Mathieu . B - Dhiradasht . C - Lahore Amazda D - Jasna . 32 - the greatest virtue of its supreme value in Aldhirdshah are: A - fidelity. B - matching . C - rigidity. D - purity . 33 - According to the doctrine of Dhiradasht in the latter , please : A - will be all the people . B - only the righteous will be held . C - will be held only sparks . D - the bad guys will not be held nor righteous . 34 - The concept of Aldhirdshah about the power of evil is equal to God : A - identical to the concept of the Christian God for things. B - is identical to the Christian concept of God Almighty . C - not matching or not matching the Christian concept of God Almighty . D - neutral in the Christian concept of God Almighty . 35 - One of the elements of power in Aldhirdshah is : A - method to strengthen the strong statements . B - Missionary high overall outlook for the world. C - its faith in human moral test . D - appreciation of the value of pain. Part II - questions correctly - error . # When the case may be correct - silhouetted circle (a) . Fault - silhouetted circle (b ) 36 - 37 - 38 - approaching the historical (objective ) in the study of religion a more comprehensive approach for psychological or moral . 39 - Mohammed said special invitation from God (download special) to marry the divorced wife of his adopted son . This was not a fit for the Arab Bedouin . 40 - the main cause of the Koran is to give legitimacy to rely on texts . 41 - Talk is a compilation of writings about Muhammad later refuted as veneration decide the Koran. 42 - a person who believes that without the power to the reproach of the events of their own destiny . Referred to as " Bakaddra ." 43 - is the fundamental belief that God dictated the Koran to Mohammed than the original reserved in heaven . 44 - The main letters of Muhammad are " on account Almighty God ," " the oneness of God ." 45 - characterized Alzerdshah about other religions is written that the Bible does not condemn them and also gives them a special recommendation . 46 - The greatest problem of the corresponding critical of Islam in the modern scientific age competent authority and inspired the book. 47 - Dhiradasht veneration was limited to all of Southeast Asia . 48 - noted Alksmologih ( cosmic ) in Aldhirdshah are just principles of good and evil . Each of them has equal power with the same determination. 49 - the greatest devotees of Christianity in our time. Affiliates by 2 to 1 with the next debt in this section. 50 - According to Aldhirdshah : the role of the human in the cosmic struggle . Is to think of good ideas speak good words and good deeds practiced . 51 - the universality of religions live . Christianity and Islam are the only value associated with similarly philosophical spiritual . Part III compatibility questions .    # Read the instructions for each good set of questions . Then you figure in the right row choose the correct answer from the left row . Silhouetted in the answer sheet the correct number for a paragraph that describes the number you choose . 52-54 , according to one of the following religions with the concept of God, which is confirmed by these religions : 52 - Aldhirdshah A - Loving so super . 53 - Christian b - the principle of not piss 54 - Hindu philosophical c - limited by strength in the global power                                        Counter. 55-58 according to Muslim caliphs four with an expression that refers to one or all of his time to . 55 - Abu Bakr A - ordered a review of the Koran. 56 - Omar B - is a collection of sayings of Muhammad. 57 - Osman c - led to his permanent split in Islam . 58 - the d - defeated Syria and Persia. 59-63 arranged all periods of history Aldhirdsha with state approval with him 59 - 583-480 BC. AD . A - Migration and idle 60 - 480-330 BC. M . B - the struggle against slavery . 61-330 - s . M - 226 m . C - the establishment and expansion . 62 - 226-651 m . D - recovery and independence of Persia. 63 - 651 m . E - Azilal and dissolution . Part IV - choice questions of mutual # Silhouetted circle the answer that are consistent with the best answer for each of the following questions: 64 - compared to the human animal . What is the religious significance ? A) It is the only private special human being . B) It's private key characteristic of the human being . 65 - What is the basis of the report of the official religions of the world eleven ? A) the study of God in each of these religions. B) the study of the Scriptures for each of these religions . 66 - How can delete all the religious propaganda that affects the Christian missionary program in our time ? A) destroy this program. B) allows the program to expand. 67 - how it compares to the Christian spiritual book value of the object with the individual in other religions ? A) Christianity is the only religion which asks compares the salvation of the individual in the same B) Christianity is the only religion that requires human understanding of the doctrinal teachings . 68 - What does the word Islam? A) submission to God . B) delivery to Mohammad . 69 - Why is the Muslim political communities based on religion? A) B) There are strong links between the state and religion in Islamic countries . 70 - What makes it possible to reach the highest level of life and access to more educational opportunities for the Arab people in the Near East ? A) the discovery of oil wells nerve and minerals in their land . B) the progress of modern farming methods and marketing. 71 - during the era of the city to call Mohammed added any new methods to get the loyalty which is against the teachings of Christianity ? A) The method of military invasion . B) the doctrine of passive resistance . 72 - Muhammad explained how the Old Testament ? A) interpreted a correct explanation . B) not explained by a correct explanation . 73 - Which of the following cases illustrate well the difference between the nature and scope of the Koran and the Bible? A) The Bible records the work of God, which confirmed the objective truth for many people for a long time while in the Koran to record a negative declaration for the work of God for one man. B) The objective of the Quran record of God's revelation of one man , while the Bible record negative for God's revelation to many people . 74 - any certificate certificates are Islamic ? A) There is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the diagnosis of human beings to God. B) There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God. 75 - After the Battle of the Camel Islam split into two parties ( communities ) either followed on the fourth caliph ? A) B) 76 - any descriptions used to describe people who are sending in the entry to the Jihad spiritual life by following a very strict organization ? A) mystics . B) Albeortan . 77 - in the Islamic point of view , it was Muhammad is the greatest prophets of God, how do you evaluate ethics ? A) ethics supports this statement . B) ethics supports this statement . 78 - Call Dhiradasht holy came to him through the " wailing herd ," explains how Hume " wailing herd " this ? A) refers to the need for social severe in the agricultural community Dhiradasht . B) refers to the need for the religious community Aldhirdsha . 79 - A) B) 80 - A) This knowledge will help us to convince the Parsi faith mistake and how the Christian Semitic . B) This knowledge helps us to approach the Parsees by methods your religion before filling that led to the salvation of Christ . Religions of the world CA4093 assess the development of the unit (2)                                                   (Unit 2 - Lessons 5-9 )  Follow the instructions on the top of my answer sheet . Silhouetted circle Evaluation of the development of the unit (2) in this manner : Evaluation of the development of unit 12 345 final exam . Shading your answer before reading the instructions well shading answer sheets . The bottom of these instructions silhouetted other departments as directed in the margin . Then he turned to the back side of the answer sheet where you highlight your answer . Read all well and follow the term of any special instructions . The value of each model is numbered one point . Total value of each models 100 points . Part I - Composite choice questions . # Silhouetted circle answer the letter that corresponds to the best answer . 1 - Hindu assume that : A - Unity remove multiplicity . B - smashes multi- unit. C - There is unity in diversity . D - Unity unrelated plurality . 2 - the people responsible for Religion Blog in principle it is : A - Brahman . B - religions. C - Aldravida D - somewhere between the two rivers . 3 - A - B - C - D - 4 - A - B - C - D - 5 - A - B - C - D - 6 - According to the Hindu philosophical goal of salvation is : A - the company with Brahma . B - absorption in Brahma . C - eternal life individual . D - a, b ​​. E - b , c . 7 - features in Bhajanad Gina and that made her gain high appreciation and widening are: A - philosophical speculation about the nature of the supreme god . B - Explanation of salvation by overcoming fear. C - providing the supreme god in the form of one human being privileged . D - continued emphasis on ritual sacrifices in Hinduism . 8 - probably the best way to reach the masses animism in modern popular Hindu religious is by right . A - religious texts . B - basic philosophical texts . C - work miracles . D - texts sequence ratios. 9 - according to Karma in Hinduism rights is what it is because: A - what to do in his previous life . B - what is destined to do in life current . C - what he would do in the future . D - the grace of God . 10 - a view that recognizes the fact that the entire universe as the principle of absolute no character is : A - mono and unifying . B - unifying . C - mono . D - not unilaterally not unifying . 11 - religion founded by Tanak is : A - Taoism . B - Christianity . C - D - 12 - modern attempts to reform the religion in India . A - influenced the traditional Hindu bit. B - did not have any effect at all. C - resulted in the explosion of a traditional Renaissance. D - was so successful that did not become in need. 13 - fundamental differences in the concepts of God in Christianity and in the interpretation of the ideas of the Hindu Foundation to ask about : A - Unity against pluralism . B - personal against the impersonal . C - the individual against the collective . D - is limited against the limitations . 14 - makes no sense in the Hindu philosophical to learn that the man responsible before God because you are part of the responsibility : A - not a personal principle . B - a theological ( God ) . C - a personal relationship . D - the fact mono . 15 - In the Christian law of grace. A - achieves the law of justice. B - to follow the law of justice. C - is opposed to the law of justice. D - has nothing to do with the law of justice. 16 - the Buddha himself believed in : A - object Trinity high . B - two objects superior opposite . C - super many objects . D - not an object high . 17 - religion did not announce broadly inclusive (by civilization ) are: A - Christianity . B - Islam . C - Hinduism. D - Buddhism . 18 - supplement any of the following incorrect decided Buddhist Conference in 1956 in Rangoon that Burma : A - review study of Bali . B - establishes a new Buddhist University . C - Alsnkeritbh review the study . D - publishing travel Buddhism . 19 - elements in the human condition that affected the Buddha and caused the ramp from the throne was originally . A - in the psychological field . B - nature in itself. C - spiritual in nature. D - immoral. 20 - In Buddhism the one that earns salvation and voluntarily relinquish the ramp to followers who sent in to lead them to salvation is called : A - Bozmatefa . B - Mhaiyana . C - Naravada . D - Mooney . 21 - the main thrust of Buddhist Ethics . A - is positive. B - social . C - origin groups . D - negative . 22 - According to Buddhism means " Nirvana " : A - B - C - D - " integration into the absolute truth ." 23 - books of Buddhist belief of the legitimacy that they contained words of the Buddha himself is called : A - Vinababenaka . B - Terbanaka . C - Adhedma Benaka . D - Motta Bestacka . 24 - Buddhism subsequent evolution of travel . A - he has no authority . B - Sultan had just more than the original teachings of the Buddha . C - he has power equal to the original teachings of the Buddha . Sultan has had a less than the original teachings of the Buddha . 25 - around 1871 in use . B . Taylor reform animism to know : A - spiritual philosophy . B - materialist philosophy . C - both physical and spiritual philosophy . D - not spiritual philosophy nor materialist philosophy . 26 - Buddhism compatible between China and Japan added new features of Buddhism , which is one of the basic expressions of the following is not one of them ? A - recognize the existence of heaven and hell . B - modern architecture in the art structures . C - Presentation Worker growing . D - the hope of salvation . 27 - Buddhism emphasizes on : A - test more than texts and reason ( why ) . B - the reason (mind ) more travel and testing. C - travel more than a test of logic. D - to test an anti- mind . 28 - According to Hinduism. Albanian and Buddhism . Includes the greatest good : A - positive rights than passivity . B - passivity as positivity . C - passivity of positivity . D - positivity and not negativity . 29 - according to the religion of any of the following is a factor ecumenical ( Alkuzmi ) moral principle of people ? A - Aldhirdshah . B - Islam . C - Christianity . D - Buddhism . 30 - A - B - C - D - 31 - Buddhism is the original religious system is basically . A - a moral system . B - good news for the life of the present . C - focus on the person . D - the founder of the god Sami one . 32 - the best way to make Christ influential Buddhists can be. A - by pointing out that Christ is the Son of God . B - to talk to him about the moral perfection of Christ . C - make sure the cross of Christ . D - tell him the miracles of Christ . 33 - The Christian by a conscious attempt to reconcile Islam and Hinduism , and now they are : A - more coincidentally with Islam more than a relationship with Hinduism . B - have equal relations of friendship with all of Islam and Hinduism. C - the most in a friendship relationship with Hinduism more than Islam . D - nothing to do with her ​​friendship with either Islam or Hinduism. 34 - According to Hume by Guru Nanak and his companion Mardana a Muslim to do all of the following activities during their trips missionary , but one thing is : A - heal people . B - preaching in structures . C - chanting . D - visit places of pilgrimage . 35 - is the name of the Christian Scriptures : A - Avesta . B - Terbestacka . C - the Koran. D - the Vedas . E - Ajerant . 36 - any sequel of sequels following is not correct? According to the Christian man is : A - object helpless. B - a creature subject . C - a man of God. D - wrong by the historic fall . 37 - Which of the following expressions refer to the meeting pupils Christians ? A - ashrams . B - Khalza Sangatte . C - Geormicia . D _ SAC Jharkhand . 38 - Karma chose to accept Christianity be like : A - Islam . B - Islam and Hinduism. C - Hinduism. D - not Islam or Hinduism. 39 - in the denial of the idols became Christianity , such as: A - Islam . B - Hinduism. C - both Islam and Hinduism. D - not Islam or Hinduism. 40 - Which of the following expressions describe well- presented to Christ for Christians ? You must : A - agree about the Christian concept for Karma . B - declares that the real name is Jesus Christ . C - indicates that the spiritual nature of the robe drinking Singh .  D - check all that is over .  E - check b . C . Part II - questions correctly - error . If the case is correct - silhouetted circle (a) . Fault - silhouetted circle (b ) . 41 - Prayer is the most basic way of salvation in the Reg Veda . 42 - assume the doctrine of " Manu " that Hindus get salvation by obeying the law ( the law ) . 43 - read Bhajavad Jetta from a large number of Hindus in spiritual meditation and philosophical interest . 44 - Indian Christian theologians reject the philosophical structure of Ramanuja to connect Mvhomramanoja because the Christian message about God is OK for the Christian concept of God . 45 - with the knowledge and business working for salvation , according to both Christianity and Hinduism. The emphasis in Christianity is the grace of God, while in Hinduism is the human effort . 46 - Buddha's name means " the one who received enlightenment ." 47 - the evolution of reverence for the Buddha impressive emotional growth that has evolved to worship him as an official Sami even above the Hindu gods . 48 - a great reformer . Buddha did not deny only the caste system , but strongly supported tradition that classes determined by birth . 49 - Description of the Western Paradise in Mhaiyana influential OK with Buddhist teachings that God does not exist and that the self is not eternal unit . 50 - Zen Buddhism is an example of the human desire to rise above the boundaries of human thought and speech for spiritual truth . 51 - Alaalah Hinduism and Buddhism seem to think of the pain that maximizes the value of the individual's own intellectual eminence . But these religions do not provide any aid in converting the benefits of the pain of a person to any other person . 52 - The value of human life . As is clear in Christianity and Buddhism . Despite the pains of life are considered worthless sophisticated . 53 - after Islam . Christianity is the oldest religions of the world live . 54 - at the invitation of the Holy Nanak explained his status Hinduism by what God said to him about the name "My name is God Brahma first " ( Basic ) . 55 - The Islamic beliefs and words of Christianity in its early days are similar in that both are multiple gods. 56 - The two major stages in the historical development of Christianity covering its founding as a religious movement , and its transformation into a state of political fighter . 57 - A power factors in Christianity is the activity of its founder Fayaltbshir successful . 58 - King Yama in Buddhism is the dominant power over all the heavenly bodies . 59 - was Mahavira is the first reformer in Hinduism , which began least we have called Christianity . 60 - "What a man sows him reap " This law describes Karma in Hinduism . Part III - compatibility questions . # Carefully read the instructions for each set of terms. Then each term has a number in the right column chose the correct answer from the left column . In the answer sheet silhouetted circle for the character of your choice . 61-64 according to each of the four Hindu writings with a description of each. 61 - Vedas a) ritual sacrifices 62 - Albrhamana b) a set of legal 63 - Alabnchad c) the philosophy of devotional 64 - Almanao d) philosophy hopes 65-69 according to every word on the left with the word right hand that connects well with it . 65 - Alabnchad a) teacher 66 - Layers b) Katho 67 - Alijoro c) the gods 68 - Vedas d) Andre 69 - Cali e) Yagur 70-73 according to each of the four important historical events in Buddhism with the appropriate period of time with it almost . 70-560 s . M a) the first foreign mission . 71 - 272-232 BC. M. b) the birth of Buddha 72-250 s . EM ) Heben Tzyanj trip to India . 73-629 - 640 d) the rule of Asoka owed 74-77 according to each particular expression of salvation with the religion that is supported . 74 - A Hindu philosophical ) Nirvana 75 - Jainism b) self- liberation of global connectivity . 76 - original Buddhism c) absorption mystic 77 - Islam d) Paradise ( Paradise ) . 78-80 according to each of the following Sikh Guru with the work . 78 - Third Omradas Alijoro a) your military operations against the derived                                             Mongol ruler . 79 - Urban Alijoro V b) collect Ajerant . 80 - Har Rai Alijoro seventh c) Intruder thinning done to strengthen                                             Christianity . Part IV - mutual choice questions . # Silhouetted circle the answer that is consistent with the best answer for each of the following questions: 81 - any system in Hinduism is unique among the religions of the world . A) system and its unity . B) system layers . 82 - the idea of ​​God in the Vedas Profile mingled a kind of worship is : A) the worship of ancestors . B) the worship of nature. 83 - Why is the conscience of the wise uses it sometimes refers to Brahma in the Hindu priestly ? A) is not a personal god Brahma . B) Brahma is a personal God , but not recalling nor feminine 84 - What happens in the activity of Aleuge feelings when it is practiced yoga style . The case seems to exist where it penetrates the space and time ? A) become more expressive activities lofty feelings . B) become the activities of his feelings in the case of the suppression of housing . 85 - Why People called Hinduism " mixing ( conglomerate ) is great ." A - features a mix of Hindu holy Scriptures follow the features of the other. B - is actually approve every other major religions of the world . 86 - Why is influenced by a lot of opposition Brahma Buddha ritual ? A - because they have become unable to work without ritual . B - because they practiced the rituals and attributed them to the benefits. 87 - was established in 1828 " Brama Samaj " as a protest against idolatry . Polytheism . And grievances known in Hindu history . What is the relationship that has significance between Christianity and Brama Samaj ? A - The establishment of Brama Samaj is the first attempt to fix the result of knowledge of Hinduism to Christianity. B - abandoned Brama Samaj for key relationships between Hinduism and Christianity. 88 - Why does it seem that it is meaningless to announce that the Hindu philosophical linear real ? A - where the fact that Brahma is not personal . There is no object model can measure it themselves follow the Hindu philosophical about the sin. B - Hindu philosophical relationship with Brahma forgoes the possibility of sin. 89 - Which one of the following cases explain very well the nature of truth in the ultra- Hindu regarding the strength or weakness ? A - is the power of the personal nature of the rights they give the basis of the struggle for higher gains . B - the impersonal nature is weak because it lacks the basis of divine and human connection that drives man to higher values ​​. 90 - if you happened to be in the country of Buddhism how you present yourself to be accepted as a spiritual leader A - in a positive way of self-confidence . B - By the way what self- sacrifice . 91 - Why are the miracles attributed to the Buddha by his followers lacked legitimacy ? A - Did not register people by certain places and times as events real historical . B - did not record these events , but it was traded verbally from generation to the other the next . 92 - with the ethics of the Buddha confirms negative trends , they do not delete the greatest positive feature in every good behavior . What is this property ? A - perfection. B - love. 93 - According to the analysis of the Buddha pessimistic What are the three senses of the object A - impersonal . Truth and disability. B - transformation. Misery . Impersonal . 94 - Christian paganism in Mexico is a mixture of animism religion Ketlkh with National . It 's like : A - religious compatibility . B - belief animism . 95 - which completely contradicts the fact carcass confirmed in Jainism and Buddhism in sacrifice confirmed ? A - Jainism stresses provide the human body , while the sacrifice of Buddhism emphasizes providing sacrifice his desires . B - Jainism stresses the wishes of the person submitting a sacrifice while Buddhism emphasizes providing his body as a sacrifice . 96 - What is the treatment given by the Buddhist selfish ? A - love positive for others . B - the suppression of negative self which is beneficial for the self. 97 - in the last period of life Tanak According to Hume was " revered as Savior My God ." What the doctrine that allowed by the Hindu philosophical in that idolizes just a human being in this situation? A - doctrine that teaches that God is a property of the human person and is not unlimited , above all humans. B - doctrine that teaches that human beings evolved gradually in the nature and characteristics of God . 98 - What is the main reason Admmlaúma Christian theology ? A - non-conformity based on theological concepts of Hinduism and Islam are not compatible. B - Non- matching based on efforts to reconcile theological ideas of Christianity and paganism . 99 - Why can not Christian to have a matching image from God when trying to communicate with him by repeating the words " real name " ? A - No historic announcement about God offers such words. B - no show above normal for God Nbarhenh these words . 100 - in the report of Paul in 1 Corinthians 20-21 : 9 " I became a Jew to the Jew and the United Erbha UN for profit " How this relates to Tanak ? A - Tanak was granted income Hinduism. B - Tanak tried to remain a Hindu to win the Hindus and Muslims to win the remains of Muslims .                             Evaluation of the development of the world's religions Unity (3)                                          (Unit 3 - Lessons 10-12 ) Follow the instructions on the top of my answer sheet . Silhouetted circle Evaluation of the development of the unit (3) in this manner : Evaluation of the development of unit 12 345 final exam . Shading your answer before reading the instructions well shading answer sheets . The bottom of these instructions silhouetted other departments as directed in the margin . Then he turned to the back side of the answer sheet where you highlight your answer . Read all well and follow the term of any special instructions . The value of each model is numbered one point . Total value of each models 100 points Part I - Composite choice questions . # Silhouetted circle answer the letter that corresponds to the best answer . 1 - did not encourage Confucianism Alemma in : A) supervising the Bible to the world. B) the existence of a higher being . C) a personal God . D) a, b ​​. E) a, c . 2 - showed a reaction when Knfushos in his request : A) self-confidence is not shaken . B) moderate aplomb . C) self-confidence is not sufficient. D) Do not self-confident at all. 3 - centered on Confucian ethics : A) The relationship between God and man . B) the relationship between people and people . C ) the relationship with all of a, b ​​. D) none of the previous relationships . 4 - Hume explains that the description of the non- personal god hesitate to travel Confucianism . A) the same number of receipt in the description profile. B) Description of the less frequent personal . C) about twice Description Profile . D) about three times the personal weaknesses . 5 - Alknfoshi in the perpetuation of nature worship in the period preceding the Confucian weather was the annual worship of the earth . A) winter concert . B) a summer ceremony . C) ceremony practiced in the annual autumnal solstice . D) spring weather . 6 - method acceptable in Christian evangelization in China to deal with the veneration of the ancestors of Chinese can be : A) extraction of the roots of Chinese religion . B) accepted as part of Christian worship . C) partially adapted with Christian principles . D) all of a, c . 7 - ancestor worship Confucianism as a religion that is questionable . But the crowds of Chinese . A) This gave equal status to religion . B) publicly announced that it religion . C) did not have anything to do with this in any way. D) allowed her to take the place of religion. 8 - any direction in the Declaration of Confucianism Christian can at least understand it . Assessed and accepted ? A) the story of the fall of man . B) the person and work of Christ . C ) The story of the Good Samaritan . D) The Sermon on the Mount . 9 - If Lutz has lived in the sixth century BC. AD It has been a contemporary of Confucius and lived almost at the same time with : A) Moses. B) Zoroaster . C) Alexander the Great . D) Guru Tanak . 10 - reverence for Otter : A) the development of legitimacy to the doctrine of thought above normal. B) ensure that the concept of supernatural belief without legitimacy . C) the development of the doctrine of the concept of legitimacy to above normal . D) ensure legitimacy but not the doctrine of thought above normal. 11 - about the original value of Tauth King announced Western scientists recently : A) they are primitive and unscientific . B) pointed to the overall wisdom of the world. C) talked about the lack of purity . D) they looked as foolish speculation . 12 - the meaning of " Tao " in Indian philosophy of Buddhism is : A) " Logos ." B) " God." C) " the word" . D) "The Road " or " corridor " . 13 - in order to suit with the Taoist idea of moral Taoism must : A) to move away from the struggle . B) that the struggle for better things . C) to pray without interruption . D) to be active in an extraordinary way . 14 - Dissemination writer Kwang Taz Taoism by : A) shelters. B) Almadzh example . C) drilling on the stones . D) preaching. 15 - Toyun drawing shows the torment of hell : A) in their homes . B) on their clothes . C) in their temples . D) in their travels . 16 - Taoism is an element of strength :  A) the impersonal nature of the Supreme Being . B) emphasis on " Wu - Wei ." C) the teachings of its founder in an interview evil with good . D) model in the life of its founder . 17 - Shintoism trend toward other religions direction. A) conversion and not persecution. B) persecution and not a guidance. C) the possibility of positive distress . D) the possibility of a positive unusual . 18 - Think about travel in central Shintoism is : A) the date the origin of the human race . B) the origin of Japan's sacred . C ) the importance of moral ideals . D) the salvation of the whole world . 19 - word that is used " God " or " God " in Japan are: A) Kami . B) Fuji Yama . C) The Narazo . D) The Mikado . 20 - Eliminate the worship of the emperor in Japan : A) was in the nineteenth century . B) During the First World War . C) a direct result of World War II . D) the direct result of the First World War . 21 - the actual worship practiced in the Shinto shrines are: A) a comprehensive worship collegiality often . B) collegiality often as an individual . C) rarely be individualized . D) The individual often comprehensive. 22 - Type your purity imposed religion Shintoism are: A) often physical rather than spiritual . B) No physical or spiritual . C) a spiritual rather than physical . D) physical and spiritual evenly . 23 - Which of the following description describes the ethical advice Tinto to trivialize G for government employees ? A) stick to justice . B) to tell the truth. C) stop insatiable ( unemployment ) . D) Abolition of anger . E) all of the above . 24 - Which one of the following topics reflect the strength of religious denounce Shintoism ? A) cleanliness. B) The declaration above your natural . C) respect for the government. D) National . Part II - questions correctly - error . # When the case may be correct - silhouetted circle (a) . Error - silhouetted circle (b ) . 25 - The reform of the religion of Confucius China found a new religion and did not start because he was very conservative in that tries to establish a new religion . 26 - the principle of mutual fitness closely linked to al-Qaida silver Confucianism . 27 - the ex post evaluation of Confucius and put in place the Supreme Being who does not parallels a human being is not equal to him in all of human history . 28 - to say that man is nothing more than a part of nature means accepting and fatalistic view of the human being . 29 - Contains any search are in " for Otter View of the right to a pre- Christian " to 268 parallel between verses in the Tao Te King . The verses in the Koran. 30 - was the founder of Taoism , " the Otter " and one of the founders of the few religions in the world live like him who lived under the highest ethical own . 31 - Hume refers in a general way to the salient dates in the history of Taoism Kvtrut support and lack of support from the emperors of China . 32 - Scientists agree that the effect of making the Taoist ideas about heaven and hell in Buddhism evolves . 33 - because salvation comes from the inside. The Taoist Education sequential - the road to good man - extended Taoist salvation and that he can live to the highest ideals in life. 34 - "God" in Shintoism does not refer to the object Vouktabiei but to the power of natural rights as above . 35 - Shintoism extend rights to peace and salvation of the human predicament, because the principles of the institution to fill the need of mankind. 36 - During centuries atheist and twelfth centuries. Evolved " Bushido " group morality and Japanese military stopped a capacity of feudalism in the country. Part III - compatibility questions . # Read well the instructions for each group questions. Then each chose a set of terms in the right row of the correct answer row left silhouetted in the answer sheet circle the letter of your choice . 37-39 according to all the literature Knfoshi with its content . 37 - Shi Keng a) Explanation of filial piety . 38 - shook Bokenj b) collection of poems or literary anthology                                  Danahaalmih . 39 - any King c) system soothsaying . 40-43 according to each religion, with its distinctive emphasis . 40 - Buddhism a) personal delivery and loyalty to his teachings . 41 - Christian b) Altsofi of followers through the Bible. 42 - Confucianism c) to follow and obey the rules of correct behavior . 43 - Taoism d) meditation and renounce the world . 44-48 according to each of the following period in the history of Shintoism their own direction . 44-660 s . AD - 552 AD a) gains early Buddhism . 45-552 - 800 b) readjustment diverse . 46 - 800 - 1700 c) national recovery . 47-1700 - 1868 d) absolute sovereignty . 48 - Since 1868, e) compatibility. Part IV - choice questions of mutual # Silhouetted circle the answer that is consistent with the best answer for each of the following questions 49 - Which of the two was his main contribution in the Confucian social stability of the Chinese people ? A) its principle of exploitation by individual self-expression . B) its principle of filial obedience led Altashehad religious . 50 - Which two hydraulically on the conflict between Confucianism and communism ? A) confirm the strong Confucian about the loyalty of family standing in the way of complete loyalty to the state. B) confirmation of Confucianism strong loyalty to the state intervention in the regular Alalacatalaaúlah . 51 - Why did not continue the annual celebrations to worship heaven in China? A) there is no longer an emperor on the throne of ancient China to continue it. B) the current governor does not follow the teachings of Confucius . 52 - Chinese people believe in the public lives in the wind and water. Any type of religious belief shown that belief in Confucianism popular? A) unification primitive . B) debt spiritualist . 53 - the value of any human qualify strongly greatest of life and being able to accomplish a lot of life? A) holy righteousness which restores the creation of man by the second spiritual birth . B) the goodness of human nature . 54 - Any describe well the ethics and character of the Otter ? A) behavior was a reflection of the moral teachings of the strong positive . B ) it was unable to conduct the actual short of what was expected of his teachings Semitism. 55 - How does it differ Christianity and Taoism regard to the Supreme Being for the people or not ? A) Christian thought is that the Supreme Being , not personally , while Taoism is considered that the Supreme Being is personal . B) Christian says that the Supreme Being is considered a personal and Taoism that the Supreme Being is not personal . 56 - no better way to encourage renewed Chinese to participate in the practices of Christianity in praise and singing ? A) shows that the expression of joy and praise aloud to participate with other Christians . B) to explain to him that he could express his joy quietly . Praise and need to be noticed by others . 57 - Why Japan announced that the state is Centoah national weather and not have A) participate until all of the citizens of Japan without interruption to the principle of religious freedom . B) because the Japanese are not connected well with religion and do not like to contribute to the religious ceremonies . 58 - around the year 712 AD, the Emperor of Japan recommended a gentry imperial court left Koo JK . Why was this commandment ? A) collect and arrange the lineages of the emperors and the words of earlier eras . B) the registration of religious ads and provisions of the emperors of previous eras to the current day . 59 - What was the status of the connection with the Shinto gods Ku JK ? A) Raise the prayers for them. B) talk to him . 60 - What kind of practices related to the Shinto religious ceremonies and celebrations popular recurring ? . A) by educational processes . B) agricultural work . Religions of the world CA4093 assess the development of the unit (4)                                         ( Unit 4 - Lessons 12-15 ) After the instructions on the top of my answer sheet . Silhouetted circle assess the development of the unit (4) in this way : - Evaluation of the development of unit 12 345 final exam . - By shading your answer very well read the instructions for shading the answer sheets . Down these instructions silhouetted other departments as directed in the margins, and then turned to the back side of the answer sheet where you highlight your answer . - Read all the good and the term follow any special instructions . - The value of each model is numbered 67 and 1 . The total value of both models is 100 points . Part I - Composite choice questions . # Shadow of the circle answer the letter that corresponds to the best answer. 1 - about the missionary work in the world today are considered Jewish . A) less active than Christianity and Islam. B) more active than Christianity but less than Islam . C) active Christianity and Islam . D) the most active of Islam but less active than Christianity . 2 - look to Abraham as the father of Forensic for: A) all Christians . B) all the Jews . C) all Christians and all Jews . D) not all Christians, not all Jews . 3 - During the long period of the life of Israel in Palestine . A) steadily from strength to weakness. B) steadily from weakness to strength . C) experienced periods of mutual strengths and weaknesses. D) were not weak nor strong . 4 - about the future of Israel, Isaiah prophesied : A) punishment , not glory. B) glory and judgment. C) the glory , not judgment. D) Do not glory nor judgment . 5 - Jewish ritual in the period after the captivity . A) did not affect the spiritual side of religion. B) have had a slight effect on the spiritual side of religion. C) increased from the spiritual side of religion. D) threw Altalal on the spiritual side of religion. 6 - The Talmud is : A) the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible . B) the Latin translation of the Book of Hebrew . C ) An explanation of the Hebrew Bible . D) a Greek translation of the Torah . 7 - The crisis in 1948 ( Emergency ) in the State of Israel in Palestine as a result of national essential for: A) political Zionism . B) religious Zionism . C) the Zionist political and religious . D) Do not Zionism nor religious . 8 - to talk about the direction of the Jewish world evangelization is : A) somewhat weak element On the other hand the power of the Jewish element . B) is a weakness in Judaism . C) is not an element of strength and not weakness in Judaism . D) element of force in Judaism . 9 - apocryphal book is a collection travels : A) does not recognize the legitimacy of the Protestants. B) does not recognize the legitimacy of Catholics . C) does not recognize the legitimacy of the Protestant nor Catholic . D) recognizes the legitimacy of both Protestants and Catholics . 10 - Great all assertions above normal all that Jesus was aware of it . A) death . B) miracles . C) wisdom . D) resurrection. 11 - According to Hume . How the authority of the Roman sentenced Jesus that he is not a bug ? A) No not one . B) one . C) two . D) three . 12 - indicates reform fronting ( contrast ) to: A) the reform of global governments . B) reform within the Catholic Church Romania . C) reform within the Protestant Church . D) social reform within the Empire Romania . 13 - The role of followers in bringing establish rule by divine make sure : A) not Christian nor Jewish B) more Christianity from Judaism . C) Jewish and not Christian . D) as a Jewish Christian . 14 - Which of the following religion teaches that evil is not an illusion and reality? A) Confucianism . B) Islam . C) Alzerdashih . D) The Hindu . 15 - the frame is frequently used to express Christian theological beliefs A) Greek thought . B) Persian thought . C) the Hebrew thought . D) Latin thought . 16 - According to Hume's definition of religion, any of the following was not originally united ? A) Islam . B) Christianity . C) Alzerdshah . D) the Shia . 17 - Think divine incarnation did not meet with the Islamic belief regarding : A) a waiver of God. B) all-knowing God . C) God is all-powerful . D) HH God . 18 - the reason that the declaration of the Christian Holy highest for ads in other religions is : A) they Tsttném . B) add them . C) make them neutral . D) Tbtalhm . 19 - There are two systems of Dinan inherited in the composition of the community are holy . A) Japanese and streptococcus . B) Islam and Christianity. C) Judaism and Hinduism. D) Taoism and Buddhism . 20 - at least there is some continuity of life after physical death in the lives of individual human beings learn by : A) all religions . B) About half of religions. C) every judge except two. D) Dinan only of all religions . 21 - before they can any human being that God calls his father that it properly : A) generates only in this world . B) earns the title of filial holy . C) accept the holy filial privilege . 22 - All the founder of the world's religions live . A) they had a certain ethic in full. B) have had ethics perfectly adequate . C) they were " special blend " of the ethics of human and divine . D) have served a large number of followers after their lives than in their lives . 23 - the main cause of insufficient knowledge in the non-Christian religions for the Holy Spirit was their lack of : A) apprenticeship . B) identification of Jesus Christ . C) modesty . D) After consideration . 24 - God is the foundation on which the question is not of the essence : A) each of the biblical religions and non-biblical . B) non-biblical religions . C) Written religions . D) written religions nor non-biblical religions . Part II - questions correctly - error . # When the case may be correct - under the circle (a) Error - silhouetted circle (b ) . 25 - religions employed who inherited the monotheistic faith of Islam and Christianity are Jewish . 26 - unity of belief and supply in the Old Testament are a miracle when Ikarna multiple times and writing the book . 27 - unifying concept in Judaism is the concept that there is one God and that bar is not just a sane and rational person asks him to undergo . 28 - The three groups are within the modern Jewish liberal and conservative interest . 29 - Last commandment Jesus gave to his disciples gave the basis for the founding of the Church of the first century AD does not meet the needs of contemporary preaching . 30 - According to Hume distinctive character of Christianity is the miracles of its founder . 31 - Christian relies more than the rest of the Judge live on God's help to solve the problem of evil Moneim . 32 - It seems clear that the founder of the Christian missionary activity to cumulate concepts about God has succeeded . Not only spiritually and morally , but also has become a social and economic impact strong . 33 - Most of the miracles recorded in the books of non-biblical religions saw the sincerity witnesses . 34 - confirming the trend of peaceful Golden Rule to stay away from evil acts and confirms the positive trend has to do good works . 35 - the only religion that teaches mainly wide enough for a comprehensive authentic religion is Christianity . 36 - all except the founder of the Judge Jesus looked for religious role , which shows that they are human beings like the rest . They were in need of salvation and spiritual role . Part III - compatibility questions . # Well read the instructions for each group questions. Then each term numbered in the left column select the correct answer from the left column . Silhouetted in the answer sheet circle the letter of your choice . 37-41 according to all the religions of the following with one of the following two classifications . 37 - Taoism a) the founder of her face. 38 - Hindu b) do not have the founder of the face. 39 - Jainism . 40 - Shintoism . 41 - streptococcus . 42-44 according to all the religions of the following with a Altsnavien following . 42 - Confucianism a) her theory over natural birth of the founder . 43 - Alzerdshah b) do not have a theory of the birth of above normal                                    The founder . 44 - Islam . 45-48 according to each of the following travel with its own 45 - Buddhism a) Ajerant . 46 - Jewish b) Avesta . 47 - Shiite c) of the law . 48 - Alzerdshah d) Terbanaka . Part IV - mutual choice questions . # Silhouetted circle the answer that is consistent with each of the following questions . 49 - What is the incident that marked the primitive people of Israel to be a national of God ? A) Directed by Israel from Egypt . B) the birth of Abraham. 50 - According to Hume's why Hebrews collect their history carefully and showed respect for him ? A) considered that their history has a great significance in the redemptive purpose of God . B) considered that their history is vital in keeping their unity as a nation . 51 - written by Ezekiel condolence for the Jewish people in captivity ? A) B) 52 - How can a Christian nowadays to use the law of the Old Testament in the Jewish people's access to the message of the Gospel ? A) the law could be used to bring awareness to recognize sin by showing how Christ is the redemption of sin. B) can be used by law, such as the level of life of the life of righteousness before God . 53 - Why the Bible is called the law of a Christian? A) written by Christians of the early church to guide them in the establishment of the church. B) is the level at which the legal basis for our spiritual faith and practice of the spiritual life . 54 - What was the greatest achievement for Paul in the first compound of the Church of Jerusalem? A) gain the approval of the United to become Christians to follow the circumcision and baptism. B) has acquired the right of the United to become Christians without Athudoa . 55 - the title of a unique God in the New Testament ? A) the title of " father " in the sense that God is the father of the individuals on a personal level . B) the title of " things" emblem above the normal to the Sultan of God in the lives of his people . 56 - Is it possible to say that there are weaknesses in Christianity ? A) where the founder was without sin or weakness . B) Yes , because sometimes is not affiliated with Atlaúmon right . 57 - What is the Christian concept of divine incarnation ? A) refers to the expression that occurs when the insured dies and his soul to enter the presence of God . B ) refers to only one incident : the unity of theology and humanity in Jesus Christ . 58 - Why are some religions that an individual human life after physical death undesirable ? A) Some religions believe that human degenerate to the point where it can not be any divine power to allow this situation to continue beyond the grave. B) see some religions that life is full of pain so they do not deserve to continue beyond the grave. 59 - Hume speaks three fundamental differences between Christianity and other religions to refer any matters ? A) Persons of the three theological . B) life . Death . And resurrection . 60 - What makes Christianity such as the purest of the highest given for each religious aspirations ? A) Tsamiha human being to the spiritual level . B) the distinctive beliefs concerning the Trinity ( theolo

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