أرشيف المدونة الإلكترونية

الأربعاء، 1 يناير 2014


Psychology . Introduction to Psychology Definition of Psychology :      Is a science that looks at every issue from human activity mental Kaltzkr , thinking and imagination , or visualization and everything feels of emotions according to the joy , sadness , fear and anger all he wants and tends to him by this exudes that psychology examines three aspects of human activity , a mental activity and emotional then verbal and motor . So is the science that studies the psychological phenomena or facts " ego " or self- governed by the laws and are subject to Note internal and external . Or is the science that studies human behavior manifestations of internal and external . Targeting the understanding of human behavior and interpretation of a theoretical aspect of General Psychology , a collection of facts and formulate general principles and laws can be understanding of human behavior , and the interpretation and understanding of the motives that move us and move other people . This understanding leads us to predict what this would be like human behavior , based on our understanding of the psychological phenomenon to know the causes and characteristics therefore predict their occurrence . Finally, the study aims to adjust the psychology of human behavior and control it.      The psychology of science , like other descriptive study what the object is not what it should be. What is taught , not what is the motive and duty. Psychology and close links to biology and physiology and sociology because our behavior depends largely on the biology , drawn ( and members of the body and glands ) and what we have inherited from the Astadeddat innate . We must not forget what the society and culture of a profound impact on an individual's personality and his thinking and behavior ... Branches and fields of psychology :      Although modern psychology has been growing rapidly and numerous fields , bringing the note follows the scientific method , like other sciences to gain access to its laws . And what began as a study Antlaqath science of human behavior was necessary to study the scientific study of behavior in different areas . One of the main branches of psychology as follows : - 1 - General Psychology general poychology aims to reveal the principles and general laws that explain human behavior in general. 2 - Psychophysiology phyciological poychology and apparent psychological study as they relate to the functions of organs and the nervous system and glandular particular . 3 - Social Psychology social poychology and studying the aspects of an individual's behavior and experience in terms of impact and vulnerability Ballowaagaf He owes social psychology and sociology together . 4 - Psychopathology pothiological poychology examines the psychological functions by observing features abnormal or anomalous alnorinal in people going crazy or neuroses , or both. 5 - evolutionary psychology or growth develogintinal poychology and studying different growth stages crossed by the individual in his life and psychological characteristics of each stage and the psychology of its branches infancy, childhood and adulthood , adolescence and adulthood and aging. Manifestations of feeling :       There are three aspects of perception and feeling is the propensity of conscience and if you met a dear friend you have to know ( recognize ) and then gone to meet him ( and conscience ) Vtaangah and shake hands ( tendency ) and manifestations of feeling characterized by the following : 1 - overlapping aspects of the feeling of the three together makes it difficult to relay as it does not have to come in the same order has never propensity conscience example of going to see a play a certain ( tendency ) and then gone out ( conscience ) . 2 - often dominated one of these appearances on other endorsers . 3 - According to the division of the manifestations of the feeling of people were divided into three patterns first pattern and overcome their terms of cognitive example , scientists , intellectuals and the second mode and beat their side sentimental likes of poets , artists, and the third mode and tend to their side Alenzuaa and practical , such as traders and businessmen . Degrees of feeling      The human feeling in a particular subject varies according to the degree of focus and attention to this subject and the feeling of grades are: First, the focus of which is the sense of the severity of the degree of concentration of attention on a particular topic . Second, the margin of feeling. It is the attention to human subjects other than basic theme , which focuses the Third: the unconscious : a store and archive memories or painful feelings in humans . They can be classified into two categories: A - Elements unconscious easy retrieval and remember the good example of previous experiences . B - elements of the unconscious in ways that are difficult to retrieve , but especially those repressed desires and memories sad and painful as it tries to reveal itself in ways Kalahlam bouts and slips of the tongue and pen . Motives motiner       The behavior of each individual doing his particular motive lies behind him and sets his target , which aims to him and can say that motivation is the key factor controlling the behavior . The need for need arising from within an organism that you pay to the activity and the presence of this need is causing tension and creates a psychologically to think about the individual activity even in the case of saturation of this need Vnzul tension when an individual motive is what drives all behavior was mentally or physically this behavior . So , the issue of motivation relates to all subjects studied psychology as it is not without motive behavior is closely related to operations of attention and perception , mental and memory and imagination . It also touches the subjects of will and conscience and configure personal straightforward manner . Had thwarted or hampered the motives of the individual did not express itself in a connected shaken psychological health of the individual and troubled .      The motive in general is the potential energy in the organism and that is because you pay a certain behave in the outside world and these are set by the energy of the organism its goals and objectives and help to achieve the best adaptation of those in the external environment . The origin of the motivation is to be lurking feeling of him until he finds what circumstances altered by and raised . The alarm clock or interesting internal or external references , which is actually a case to case latency activity and as such can be described as the process of motivation following image : sexy stinalice tension or alarm tanion conduct prompt and highly motivated satisfy Vizul tension and end behavior . The importance of studying the motives      Motivated to study the behavior of particular importance in increasing the understanding of the rights for himself and other people . The increase our knowledge of ourselves if we knew a lot of different motives that move us and push us to do certain actions in different situations and circumstances . As our knowledge of the motives that drive the others to do what they are by the actions make us better able to understand and interpret their behavior . To study the motives of particular importance in the fields of Education and the Criminal Investigation and psychotherapy . Rating motives .      When trying researcher in the science research rating motives , it corresponds to a multiplicity valuable foundations that can be built upon this classification. Motives can be classified on the basis of heredity and environment to the motives of innate organic , psychological and social motives acquired secondary . They can be classified on the basis of the realization of the organism to the unconscious or unconscious motives . First, motivation and emotional subconscious .       Emotional motivation is aware of human presence and feel and can be determined and formulated verbally . However, the rights may not discern the truth of what stimulated motives , not be a poet with a clear sense . How many parents can not in his youth to join the profession Ahuaha may give his son forced to join them under the pretext of the brilliant future he does not feel that he is trying to achieve in what his son did not achieve the same . Among the factors that make the real motivation difficult even impossible in some cases, as follows: 1 - to be the motive , which is not acceptable to self- poet does not want to recognize it or know how much of a teenager does not feel that the deviation and its tendency to aggression lies behind feelings of inadequacy or inferiority sely ligenionety. 2 - may be motivated repressed desire deposited in the unconscious since the era of childhood or deprived of satisfying a basic need of the love and tenderness in childhood neelon Aggection. 3 - may be motivated integrated with other motives are not easily separated with his analysis or induce these agents to control when it is entwined with the motivation to charity or love when combined with sexual motivation . Second, the motives innate and acquired . A - organic innate motives : a set of physical configurations psychological allow the owner to respond to a certain set of attitudes and to interact with them and emotionally engage in any activity . This activity directed behavior and a specific destination to overcome the tension existing at the organism and check his balance and shared rights with the animal in several motives membership innate called motives physiological because Mtheradtha nervous or glandular or chemical which relate to the rest of the genre, or the survival of the individual and the varied purposes that require drivers organic achieved in terms of its importance to save the life of the individual and in terms of an individual's ability to afford it is defended thirst is the most powerful of these motives , followed by thirst and then defended sex drive . Characteristics of organic motives :      Beside that this innate motives are characterized by the following : 1 - General : where shared by all members of the organisms . 2 - blindness : they pay any organism to satisfy the drive without the need to achieve the purpose of example that secrete honey bee instinctively motivated in cell perforated . 3 - Persistence: any organic that these motives can not be a permanent demise as long as the object is alive . 4 - appearing on stages: Although the motivation organic innate but they appear on the stages they do not appear all at once , but in stages example of sexual drive , which does not appear only in the sense of adulthood . 5 - editability : Although it fixed , but it can be modified when human motivation . For example, sex drive can be modified in one of two forms:  A - upholding and sublimation : a sexual motivation Highness to the project, which is marriage. B - cognition : a transforming sexual energy or motivation to certain types of physical activities such as sports , for example. 6 - that feeling of the three aspects of cognition and conscience and a clear tendency in the behavior of all motivation to achieve organic . B - sexual impulses : agitation Emotiono.      Some psychologists use the term emotion Emotiono a broad sense to include all cases and affective Rfaaha Glezaa . Thus combine fear , anger, joy , sadness and the feeling that the quiet man finds himself in contemplation during a beautiful sight . Varies Alsikolojeon to describe the phenomenon of frenzy or emotion and interpretation , but they agree on the state of mind and emotional mollified and complex cases of the organism . Faalanfal case of need or disorder is characterized by a strong sense of motivation toward specific wording of the formats behavior .      Every manifestation of the psychology of three pillars : the alarm clock and the response of the organism . And depending on these three pillars differ from each other phenomenon . These pillars are characterized as follows : 1 - the alarm clock or interesting : it may be sudden or externally Caldoa Sarah was the news of the sudden or bis unexpected obstacle or hinder the achievement of a strong desire .. This means that the alarm was threatening from outside our personality physical or moral ... It may be the alarm clock internally Castaadh experience or memory of the past or present reflections have a strong emotional charge or just things receptor afraid they occur or hoped for . 2 - organism : a key factor in the ability of emotion as the alarm clock or exciting to stir emotion depend on the current state of the organism of tension or relaxation of willingness or lack of health or disease trends and affective or emotional . It also depends on the experience and expertise and previous preparations of any kind on the figures as a whole. 3 - Response Reoponoe and has a double sided : Destination emotional or how the experiment also felt by the individual passive , and destination psychology of Foreign Affairs and also have double sided external ones which movements of the body and the situation taken by or in other words the total expressions kinetic of words and gestures and Altvattat movements unintended directed or unintended turbulent . Then a destination internal physiological disorders arising from internal Stionlation activate the nervous system in an arbitrary manner compelling .      This table gives us an idea of ​​the complexity and difficulty of his emotion and conflicting theories in connection with the interpretation of the results of experiments . This difficulty is due to two things: The first is the inability of passive person that clearly expresses his experience during the emotional strain . Because of the effects of emotion that hinders the work of the nerve centers in the cortex . It also disturbed the regime when the effects of stab internal revolution . The second is : ignorance and organic neurological factors involved in bringing emotion . Everything that we look upon experimental methods for measuring the physiological manifestations of emotion is that there is emotion .      And fuller evidence to stand on the type of emotion is to look at the nature of the position and then stirred emotion in expressive movements , whether or involuntary reflex and then finally the rest of the changes in the organic and physiological expressions mention the following : 1 - changes reflected Taatari voluntary musculature : such as the curvature of the back of a cat in a state of fear behind the changes when the muscle man crying and screaming and smiling and laughing. Increasingly nervous tension in the case of joy and decreases in the case of sadness and turn reflected changes to involuntarily under the influence of simulation and social environment often Ntsna movements sadness or joy and their positions depending on the occasions . 2 - changes reflected Taatari glands channel Exovrine Gloedia: where active glands erotic sadness and tears in the salivary glands stop working in fear. The usually active apocrine sweat in most cases emotional . There is what is going on in muscle contraction and diastole Kanaqbad iris or parking or hair relaxes some circular sphincter muscles , such as those surrounding the neck of the bladder. 3 - breathing disorder : they interrupted a moment of time in case of surprise and become disconnected during Achtlajia laugh and cry . 4 - endocrine secretion as theory says emergency Emergencd Theory that realization exciting Endowment for emotion ( fear and anger ) leads to activate the secretion of a large amount of adrenaline and the impact of his mobilization of a large amount of organic energy . Standing, liver production of sugar , which feeds the muscles and increases the activity Wiczol raised fatigue quickly . It raised the adrenaline increase the capacity of the Altgesr : freezing " This prevents bleeding. As there are changes in the pH of the blood , saliva, and is said to be the saliva of some animals become toxic to its enemies in the cases of anger and fear . If the theory of emergency that emotion is a natural reaction comes from the individual as a whole emergency Response and prepared to escape fighting . Types of emotions : A - initial excitement simple emotions such as fear and anger Faalanfal primary motivator of human help to save himself and save its kind example of the fear that otherwise would have been able to escape the rights of a particular risk . B - emotion compound , which consists of more than one primary emotion example emotion of awe , which consists of fear and admiration and emotion anxiety , which consists of the emotions of fear , tension and emotion of jealousy and then crunch which include acquisitions and selfishness , fear, anger and hatred. Blockade or anxiety Anxiety       The concern emotion compound where a combination of several primary emotions such as fear and turmoil simple tension and contraction predicted evil . It is a state of emotional and sentimental certified chronic Taatari individual and involving the key element is the fear and panic , fear and a sense of human distress and dissatisfaction in general .... In other words, anxiety is a disorder of mind and confusion of ideas. It is the most unstable situations , which tends to hold it stays and lasts more than a normal fear . Because of fear when launched in the behavior of the individual appropriate Kherb regained his balance and still fear . The concern remains that fear of detention does not find acting . Types of anxiety : First: the substantive concern ordinary : it is sexy and externally Kkhova fear of the death of our dear mother on the fear or the absent son . Fear in these cases is justified. But it's not fear the strict sense because the individual can not do anything about it . Second, self- concern : a concern hysterical Hyotorical Anvicty where the source of the fear of the individual itself internally and show symptoms of hallucinations during Hollucinationo and whispers and dissatisfaction and distress continued his conscience is afraid of a mistake or that I intend to do is invalid. Afraid of losing control of the motives of prohibited sexual or aggressive ones .. Ture where saturation but man can not run away from himself and break out of concern here . Third: the siege or anxious neurotic Neurotic Anxicty. He does not worry be caused by fear, self- only, but on top of that subconsciously subdued . It is the most types of anxiety. Where the individual is in a state of fear does not know his origin nor the cause can not be attributed to a particular topic or objective justification or source of clear and explicit fear it causes unconscious repressed . So it has become a concern for the individual ruler Oloeadive Anxicty. Since fear irrelevant so it seems in the form of apprehension nomad loosely so -called concern for non- Hui Roamer Free Flooting Anxicty. Here we see where the individual is afraid of everything and nothing is the source of all the train traveled much that is going to run throughout his journey . If he saw a car speeding fire brigade are to be going to his house . Manifestations of anxiety and its symptoms : First, in terms of physical :       The symptoms of the very phenomenon which can be about the way the discovery of anxiety in young age is Kutum nails and long sighs and fatigue continued . Except that some of the movements of nerve kHz legs and some tics associated with the behavior . And physiological disorders dyspepsia and muscle spasm and blood vessels and headaches that may not find a cause of functional or organic and intestines and stomach pain , loss of appetite and stomach acidity . This is in addition to the increase in disorders of the night , where the ongoing volatility in bed without sleeping mired says Ayoub " long night and fed concern until the morning " (ie 7 : 4) . Second, from a psychological point :       The stress and anxiety Abdeddan attention and lead to the inability to continue thinking or mental focus and manifestations of psychological well anaphylaxis Sensibility , especially in positions of criticism and frustration , where the patient feels something of hatred , humiliation or loss of affection Vostagib positions are abnormal has been showing some situations sledge - Kalinkos - and manifestations of immaturity example of selfishness and jealousy and ambivalence which is the instability of emotions emotional Cyclothemic, and loss of self-confidence and lack of enthusiasm and a sense of taste of life and insensitivity and lethargy to suffer from conflict or a sense of pessimism and Alaghtmam and a sense of extreme responsibility sense of the seriousness of the trend towards any business major was or trivial, in addition to the emotional instability because of always comparing himself to others.       Among the most important factors of concern that as a result of mental feelings because of the incompatibility of the individual feelings of inadequacy which dates back to early childhood , where the individual is the subject of blame and condemnation and criticism continuous in most positions , but his childlike theme was compared with those who are better than him physically , mentally and socially . Then there is pent-up feelings of guilt that caused disquiet of the individual where the individual has become prey psychological conflict resulting from the desire of the individual and his need for social acceptance Social Acceptance. C - acquired secondary motives :       Unconscious motives are acquired and are essential for the happiness and security of person Vahbatha yoke in the same anxiety and lead to a lot of personality disorders which needs arise in the arms of the family. It is non-specific and vary according to the number of space and time and environment to another and from one person to another but is unchanged for the same rights from time to time . Examples include the motives of control and ownership, and the need to combat psychological security and belonging to another. It is also motivated secondary social tendencies , habits and emotions. First, the social tendencies :        The intent of which is to achieve compatibility or adjustment between individuals and the community in which they live and the middle of the individual is the most important social trends Alasthua . Empathy and tradition which correspond to the three aspects of the feeling . A - Alasthua or suggestion : a mile secondary social where the individual tends to be affected by what he says is generally a non- related cognitive side . It Alasthua success factors include the following: -      Ignorance of the listener and his young age . Simplicity of social status . Low intelligent listener. The weakness of his character for the speaker. The physical state of the patient listener is more likely to lure . Repeat the inspired idea . This is used in psychotherapy and child rearing and work on advertising B - empathy or " compassion " : the tendency of the individual to participate in other emotions , and emotions which is connected to the emotional side . And past experience to help the success of empathy sad woman , for example, be more inclined to sympathize with a woman who lost Hidha . C - tradition : the tendency of the individual to imitate the movements and actions of others is connected to the practical side Alenzuaa tradition and success factors : the availability of the desire and the availability of admiration which imitate the behavior of the individual and the ability to tradition . Second, emotions and habits. Definition of habit : one is to satisfy our desires some kind of repetitive behavior and repeat this behavior may be motivated by pleasure, so we tend to this behavior to become a habit. So Vadh mile is secondary to the performance of an acquired behavior towards automatic . A stage to form a habit. Where performance is difficult and requires focused attention and effort abound times trial and error and then comes the stage of stability, which becomes a performance closer to conduct automated so that leads quickly and skill and mastery and without attention or effort in stage Twin performance is at the center of the feeling of the phase stability Vicu performance in the margin of feeling so can run to lead another job with him . The types of habits 1 - usually kinetics : some of them physical movements like the status of the other leg while sitting and some neurological movements inherent to human behavior " necessary ." 2 - usually mentality : most notably the kind of thinking that dominates the human mentality Some people get used to things and interpret the natural and social phenomena explanation understood metaphysically, and the other used to be interpreted religiously, philosophically or other scientifically . 3 - usually affective ( emotion ) .       It is a mile secondary acquired a mile sentimental heading towards a subject or a particular thing has been trending passion toward inanimate or animal or a person or an idea or a memory of her estimate given in our minds is that emotion is a state of emotional calm and continuous Bouklan emotion , which is a state of emotional mollified and temporary . Personal       The concept of personal psychology concepts more complicated and complex . It includes all the qualities of physical , mental, and emotional and moral in their interaction with each other and in their integration into a particular person interacts with a particular social environment . This is because the origin of the term " personal " Personality in the English language to the Latin word meaning Persona face mask or alias actor who puts on his face for the diagnosis of creating a person who plays the roles of the play. It serves as the title of temperament and temperament moral person . The word "person" in Arabic means to look at or attended in front of the person in the sense of illness or a person appointed person role. He holds multiple meanings of personal expression is a complex concept and changed the world Bort has counted more than fifty Alport definition of personality . Bort definition of personality      Is that the organization dynamic individual for all configurations of physical psychological characteristic of each individual from other people and directs behavior and determines its effectiveness and its ability to adapt to a product of the continuous interaction between some of the genetic and environmental factors which affect the individual since its inception in the various stages of his life . Personal theories .       Interested in studying the human past, and to develop personal psychologists are many theories that explain the personal and perhaps more related to the personality classifications are commonly classified into two groups: First: The group, which includes personal theories are divided into patterns or Patina model is based on the foundations of physical or mental or mood variety . They generally aimed at dividing people into categories called each name , and are classified in each category with a number of physical attributes , mental or mood all combined together . Second: set theory , which consists of several factors or qualities or attributes Trait each person holds in every recipe of these attributes a great deal or a little and set these attributes and the degree of their existence when an individual can be Alberovil profile psychological or aspects of mental multi- for to his mentality and personality. First: Theories patterns Types.       Considered theories that divide people into patterns characterized by varying each style , including a range of qualities of the oldest theories presented by human thought in relation to personality . These theories are trying to limit the types of personal in a number of styles may be the basis for dividing factor is physical , mental or emotional or fear experienced by the individual. Perhaps the first attempt of this kind is to try the Greek physician " Hippocrates " in the fifteenth century BC . Section where personal or four but types of temperaments , attributing each pattern or patterns of ones mood to one of the batters or moisture to mix with certain body : blood phlegm yellow black .... The four styles are: Sanguine where the bloody mood is characterized by its owner optimism and speed of urination and scalability and freedom from burden . And shallow emotions that do not cave in to the abyssal depths of the soul . Phlegmatic Albulga mood and feelings bluntly characterized by its owner and the lack of emotion and indifference in addition to the emotional frigidity . Mood biliary Choleric features quickly respond emotional and anger and this passion in one's responses to the outside world . Melancholic , a melancholic mood involving personal glum outlook black and lack of attention to the outside world - has said that Hippocrates balance these moods in humans leads to a healthy body and soul . Theories patterns which are based on the principles and physical factors :       Called this theory psychiatrist Kercmr year 1940 , which is concerned by observing his patients who suffer from schizophrenia cases Schigophienia Antoon they found themselves living in isolation from reality and tend to the height and thinness has divided people into two types : The first pattern : figure style or mood League mandate on Cyclothemic or volatile phases and associated physical configuration short Almkats a round fleshy face . And is characterized by an individual who falls within this pattern quickly emotional volatility between euphoria and depression disclosed unabashed social emotions . Mnf payers many self-reflection tolerant . The second pattern : figure pattern dissociative Schigoide a fitting mental characterized by its owner tendency to unity and autism and indulge in daydreams Day Dreams and fantasies as well as it is more stable in temperament where he finds it difficult to express their emotions and perfect self-contained , non- tolerant live in a world of it is the fabric of his imagination . Theories patterns that rely on psychological grounds :  The theory of " Young " Yung: a Swiss scientist personal section to two types according to the main be the fundamental direction of the individual generally about the "inside " or "outside" and these two types , namely: Pattern involving Imtrovent.      A person who prefers solitude and not mixing and avoid social connections . Lead and subjective factors the most important role in guiding behavior. It is durable to think of himself . Behavior is subject to the principles of absolute and strict laws without taking into account the circumstances and without flexibility . Lacks the ability to adapt quickly or social consensus . Many people doubt the intentions and motives. Achieve compatibility by Altkos and fantasy and illusion . Note lavish in his health and treatment of illnesses and personal appearance . Style flat Extiavert.     It is characterized by the activity and a tendency to people's participation in their activities and work . Does not care about his health or his illness frequently . Able to appropriate and adapt quickly between him and the new attitudes . It differs from that involving depends on external factors to guide behavior. Accept the minimum in the vitality and openly and be friends too quickly or potentially stifles criticism nor what touring in the same emotion . Second: personality theories Traito.      Judge always on the personalities of the people in our daily lives general provisions come out of general impressions : we say that so and so is a strong personality or attractive or controlling or shaky . However, psychology does not please Him these general impressions do not mean. He is seen as the person subject of the study analytical look from different angles . These angles are called tags or personal dimensions . So went psychologists to study personality traits Bahsaúha . Feature in the general sense is a recipe or innate or acquired distinguish the individual from other people . It is prepared in a general tendency or print the individual's behavior and posed a special character and contaminated and had to be kind and quality . These features are considered when the owners of the theory of the most important components of the personal attributes that reflect the tendency of the individual to act or behavior in a certain way . The feature is the ability . Alility because the ability of the individual is ready in a particular area are what can individual performance and the characteristic style are featured in the performance. The colorful personality theories and lists prepared by the researchers , which dealt with the following aspects: Features physical : such as muscle strength and consistency of facial body and beep sound and height etc. of these features that affect the estimate of the individual self and appreciation of others to him but in the sense of the compatibility of social and emotional in general. Mental features : includes the ability and the capability to learn and remember and Teachable judgment and separation in attitudes . Then the ability to logical conclusion and the individual skills of intelligence and special abilities in addition to the idea of ​​reply for himself and his point of view and perception of the people and reality. Features moods : the intensity of emotions such as Atzanha or volatile and it fits with Mtheradtha . And the availability of emotional states and the degree of change . Among these features are closely linked to the nervous system and glandular Paljhazan of the individual , including what arises from the process of normalization of social Socaliyation. Features social and moral : What individual's emotions and tendencies and trends of psychological Believe it or lie or deceive the secretariat of convergence or diastole aggression or surrender and subservience fun or depression . As well as the individual's sensitivity to social problems and the position of the individual from the power and inclination to control or submission. Initial characteristics and surface :     Some may wonder about the number of different features that are personal , a difficult question . The laws of language contains thousands of descriptions of personal characteristics , but many of these features often mean or mean the same thing almost all of them are synonyms : fear, anxiety awe apprehension alarmed discomfort disorder of mind. It features the initial agreed upon by the school factor analysis ( Spearman's founder ) and confirmed its existence. Undergo emotional balance control impulsivity ability to meet people Socinalility meditation and intellectual ... Valkhgel Shynera example, a basic feature of a preliminary issue the superficial attributes such as : the tendency of the individual to melt at social events ... Tendency to define and narrow the circle of acquaintances lack of choice. The tendency of silence if it comes out with a group . Reluctance to talk openly . Dimension for Altazam in social activity , and the difficulty of talking to strangers. Third: psychoanalytic theories :     Owner of Sigmund Freud , who believed that human beings are born equipped with a card psychic called " libido " Libido and that psychic energy is that underlie human behavior and habitat of this mental energy is self- primitive or " exercisers " which is the basis of mental human being and tendencies that they contain " exercisers " tendencies barbaric primitive unconscious illogical conflict with the demands of social life . And see the school of psychoanalysis ( Freud ) that the human psyche is based on the three devices operate on three levels: First: " exercisers " or self- primitive Id.      It is the original headquarters " for Ebedo " and the source of biological energy is the center of the whole psychological freaks instinctive and home repressed desires . The store tendencies barbaric animal , a warehouse , which is the motivation innate primitive or as he called Freud's motives childish Lngantile or moral They are not unconscious , even if it allows to fill lies the motives instinctive primitive that overlook from time to time in the sense of a quick look and often embarrassing for the person alarming him . It aims to saturation and Drunk in any manner . The school of psychoanalysis that the main motives are self- motivated primitive sex freaks and motives of all its manifestations and meanings of the original psychological Second: self " ego " Ego.     Hawass, the growth of the child and its organs neuromuscular and others. And increasing the finest individual life and interaction with others Viblor perceived sense of self and distinct from the outside world is aware of the outside world as distinct from itself. This sense of self is the beginning of the second device configuration of individual character is " ego " or self- conscious emotional part of a religious sense of the personality of the individual who usually know a lot about it . Volana are personal ones that we know about ourselves and feel it and realize it . This self- dealing with the community and external reality directly and is considered the focal point between reality and self primitive ego that feel the pressure of internal drives and tendencies instinctive and aware of their presence and their need for gratification and Drunk She realizes at the same time the conditions of the external environment and Mtheradtha and the conditions of society and imposed by family, school and religious authority and status of systems The legislation and the principles and values ​​of the orders and prohibitions and standards ideal for behavior -related motives fungal Vtjd of freedom satisfy or address to thwart their activities fully depressing . The ego is the responsibility of trying to reconcile these impulses on the one hand and between external reality on the other hand . Third, the higher self or Sergeant Top Super Ego.      It is what we call the moral conscience held accountable self " ego " of his actions and deeds , and monitors the barbaric tendencies and motivations innate primitive non- social " exercisers " or self- primitive Fimnaha from the starting to the outside . The Higher Self mostly unconscious include thoughts, feelings , attitudes and tendencies behavioral absorbed by the individual and comes initially from his parents and supervisors to raise him and his upbringing and education means the interaction of the child with his parents to crystallize in the same orders and teachings about good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood . All crystallized in the form of an internal authority acting as parents even make himself a sergeant on the same guide him to what needs to be done and what should not be dissuaded or harm him and everything he does.       The Higher Self , in fact, like " exercisers " It is a continuation of Subliminal extends from the era of childhood it involves moral ideas that have been piling up since childhood . Ideas formed since he was right and wrong for a child not just arbitrary notions of mental Non-Rational as the child does not understand why as imposed by adults of prohibited materials . He knows that some of the work involved is considered bad acts are unacceptable. Valmat is the Supreme beaten unconscious conscience which often contradict the strict standards and its standards of unacceptable demands with emotional conscience enlightened relatively acceptable and which are moral emotions . Higher Self is Bouchmat that make us feel guilty . Tkhozna where offspring behavior Aanebena not be conscious of our conscience . May arise from the higher self kind of bigotry puritanical Vtstnker natural pleasures generally normal just because it is related to Sarah ... As a result , a trend which is childish feeling that everything you do not like us and that what is wholesome Nhoy is sinning ... This puritanical conscience arises in an environment very strict and rigid cruelty that generates the child on the basis of the commands and prohibitions and inhibitions imposed by harsh parents and not on the basis of Educational Thought , heart and faith.      Thus, under " ego " of the three forces : - Motivations , needs and impulses that lie at the primitive and the requirements of self- satisfaction on the basis of the pleasure principle and shirring and without regard to the reality principle . - Cultural and social conditions prevailing external laws and principles, and authorities imposed by the orders and prohibitions of the obstacles to the innate motives and collide with the freaks that do not agree with them. - Higher Self or Sergeant and imposed top of the bodice and the prohibition to satisfy the motives of those freaks and adherence to the values ​​that absorbed during the first Social Alchih . The ego that has grown strong in some or all of its functions .. As Elena weak immature that they are opposed to waver in front of those forces are located , for example, under the control of " exercisers " or self predominates primitive pleasure principle and the reality principle and ignores the constraints of society on the one hand and required higher self or imposed restrictions on the behavior of the other. Individual opted to smash the barriers and restrictions , regardless of the results .. Here's behavior becomes skewed and takes different forms of aggression .... On the other hand may be subject ego vulnerable to the impact of the higher self becomes " ego " rigid paralyzed from doing Bozivha to achieve the basic needs and personal balance located prey to conflict and tension , anxiety and reprimands and guilt , which compose the group compressive strength suppress impulses suppression fully and immerse it in the depths of the unconscious to prevent him from appearing and this repression is in itself the biggest threat to the mental health of the individual and a key factor in the appearance of the symptoms sick . The psychology of compatibility Saychology g Adgiatment.      Man tries to reach a state of balance and harmony of natural whenever faced an obstacle to satisfy the motives and the individual normal trying to reach this consensus by means of positive abnormal increase in the activity of the individual and work to overcome obstacles or removed if it does not conflict with the values ​​prevailing in society or spoofing the drawback with collision avoidance or changed by the same goal or take an alternative to satisfy or to postpone gratification if temporary obstacle .      These are all different ways to agree a proper and appropriate behavior . Valoslob successful in resolving the crisis that leads to the satisfaction of the motives and disposal of cases of frustration and stress and anxiety to the satisfaction of the individual and not inconsistent with the standards of the community and do not harm third parties .      If you do not succeed the individual to achieve compatibility with the ways and failed to direct methods to overcome the frustration , the state of stress and anxiety arising from the frustration of long duration causing a lot of mother and narrow opted individual to indirect methods may result in a negative way to reduce tension and psychological effects are temporary gimmicks or unconscious through dreams. Compatibility through tricks unconscious Or mental mechanisms Mechanioma Of Mind.

     Methods are defensive or Hrobeh not aimed at resolving the crisis as far as psychological aimed at the salvation of the feelings of stress and anxiety and access to much of the rest temporary . It tricks unconscious unintended issued by the individual automatically , without thinking that preceded , just like adaptive processes or compensatory physiological resorted to the body when there is an imbalance of the balance to achieve organic ... These tricks resorted to human multiple degrees and interrelated working in the field has more than one share more of the process in the same field are overlapping makes it difficult to classify ... The following are examples of some of the mental mechanisms . First: the repression Pepregion.     And repression Hrobeh ploy used by the ego to expel the motives and thoughts and memories of painful emotional or sad and being forced to retreat to the unconscious . It is an attempt by an individual to keep the desire not consistent with his idea of ​​himself tries to forget what has been a memorable , if quoted out of a sense of the field and become repressed in the unconscious and remained strong in their impact on the behavior of the individual . The inhibition of accidents and painful shocks means forgotten. The inhibition motive means to deny its existence and reluctance to talk about it and the inability to remember and avoid thinking about it , and the desire not to confront it and refused to admit that becomes clear in our sense . It is what drives our souls lead or injured pride and respect for ourselves and cause us distress and pain that we feel in front under the present danger , Khaorna inferiority about us or defect Garatna died from a competitor . The motive of the repressed is that the individual does not feel his presence and refuses to recognize it for himself and for the people .      These desires and impulses that Eekptha individual becomes unconscious in a barn stable without time limits or spatial sense , which understandably self -conscious and kept moving it does not die, operating in secret and insists struggling to emerge ... The behavior seems to impact on the virtual explicitly Kvltat slips of the tongue or pen , or in the form of symbolic Kalahlam such as contagious or more abnormal psychological and personality disorders .     Freud distinguishes between two types of repression : repression initial and secondary repression . It is intended initial suppression Preinary re Preition deny the facts suppressed if they appeared and this phenomenon is noticeable in psychiatric clinics as to hasten the patient's denial of what may be the cause of lack of adaptability .     The repression secondary Secondary Re pereiyion is intended by the tendency to avoid situations that might bring to the anniversary of repressed unpleasant experiences . Was the suppression of the two basic functions in the psychic life : it is a means of defense and preventive because it protects the individual than Tsafh himself and cause him distress and pain and is incompatible with the social and ethical like him , and what affects the self-respect .      

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